Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For the past 3 years of my life ive been lusting over a guy named Cam. We would be summer flings and hangout almost everyday together, and at the end of the summer would say goodbye till next summer. I would say every year was the best, except for the year I turned 16 was truely the best year of my life. Not only did I figure out who my true friends are and change schools, but I fell inlove. I mean hard love. With the boy ive been loving for three years. Now hes mine, all mine. There is only one problem. He graduates from highschool on June 12th and accepted his offer to the University of Brock, 4 hours away. I have three months to do everything I can do to make it the best time of my life before he leaves me... possibly for good. For the next three months ill be keeping a diary of everything I do in a day: sleeping, eating, sports, where I go, what I do, who I do it with, what I wear... and Im going to be completely honest about it all. Who knows what will happen, during the year I turn 17.
Stay tuned, 1st post June 1st.

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