Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 1st 2010. The day I turned 17.
Waking up to your favourite song on the radio by pure coincidence is a good start to the day, if you ask me. Why not wear your hair au natural -curly- and no makeup?. Ok well maybe some mascara, thats it. According to everyone its all I need. I threw on some boyfriend jeans and a white tshirt and off to school I went. I got to my bestfriends house to pick her up to walk with me, like every normal day. We walked into the senior hallway first, and all I heard was "Happy birthday! Happy birthday!" a bunch of seniors said to me. Lets just get this straight, im not one to be the center of attention, yet I make my birthday a big deal. I managed to walk the entire 4 floors being hidden away from everyone. Once I got to my lcoker, the entire thing was covered in streamers, pictures, candy and a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" banner. Jesus christ I wanted to rip it off. I walked into my senior art class and sat down, getting right to painting and not wasting a second. Its a big class, and once people starting pilling in, no one really said anything. Yes! I was blending in!.. "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY ERIN!!" my friend Jenna screamed as she entered the room. "Thanks" I giggled. After 1st class the happy birthdays kept coming.. My math prof even baked me a cake! A freaking CAKE! It was PINK too. For lunch I went out with my bestfriend and got chinese takeout. Mmm. After lunch I had a spare block so I planted my butt in the library for some peace and quiet, and peace and quiet I did not get. My boyfriend and his bestfriends walked in singing happy birthday with giant white chocolate chip cookies. HIDE!! After hiding my face in embarrasment, they came over and we ate cookies together. Spare was over and it was now off to french: favourite class of the day, not only because my prof was totally amazing but because I actually understand it. I was sitting there listening to my prof.. well not really listening, and all of a sudden someone knocked on the door. Emily opened it and standing there was a guy from a flower shop holding a big bouquet of purple orchids. "Erin in this class?" I raised my hand... "Uh hi?" The man put them on my desk and wished me happy birthday. I read the card "happy birthday cutie, hope its been amazing so far, you deserve the best of the best. Love you so much, - cam" my heart melted and my face went red. Thank god school was over and I can get out of here. --- My boyfriend drove me home, where he stayed untill we went for dinner. I walked in my door and sitting in my living room was a huge thing of 40 yellow balloons and 16 yellow cupcakes from my favourite bakery from my step mom. She sent us balloons and cupcakes for everyones birthday. Dinner time came around and my boyfriend and I went out to dinner over looking the lake, the weather was perfect. The day was perfect so far. After dinner I stopped by the boys parents house for a quick hello. They had flowers for me and a present, in a gorgeous yellow box. In the box was soap, body butter, body scrub and an endless amount of lipgloss. I headed home, and there was no time to even sit down. My sister was taking me to get a tattoo. Yep, im now inked! I got my moms signature straight off her health card tattooed on to me. --- The day I turned 17 was the most beautiful day I could ever ask for. Sorry for making it so long, its my first one, and it wont be that long for the rest. Promise. ♥ peace.

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